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Have You or a Loved One Been Diagnosed
with Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that impacts the lining of a person’s lungs, heart, or abdomen after inhaling asbestos fibers. Asbestos exposure in the workplace is the most common cause of mesothelioma. Many of those impacted by this disease worked around asbestos products in steel mills, shipyards, plumbing, and machining industries. Secondhand exposure to asbestos fibers on workers’ clothing can also put family members at risk. These fibers could have been inhaled years ago, but the damage they can create is lethal. Often, the source of employee asbestos exposure is employer or manufacture negligence.  

Jim Humphreys and the team at JimLegal24 has over 40 years of experience gathering evidence and representing victims and family members in asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cases. We have dedicated and knowledgeable attorneys who represent mesothelioma clients across the country. Our firm is ready to help you and your family get compensation for your asbestos-related injuries.

If you have been exposed to asbestos were diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer, you need a dedicated and experienced mesothelioma lawyer and law firm on your side. We have helped hundreds of families with this terrible disease and know all too well how it affects you and your family. With over 40 years of experience representing families who suffer with their loved ones—we know what it takes to fight for the compensation you deserve. If you or someone in your family has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, contact us today.

In a time when you might be scared or have anxiety about the future—know that attorney Jim Humphreys and his team are committed to helping you when you need it most. Call us today to schedule a free initial consultation.

What is Mesothelioma?

  • Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Often, its symptoms take years or even decades to appear.
  • Mesothelioma causes cancerous cells to form in the mesothelium, the two-layer membrane lining different parts of the body, including the lungs, heart, abdomen, and testicles.
  • Normally, a lubricating fluid in these layers enables the organs to function properly, but when needle-like asbestos fibers are present, they cause irritation and can form cancerous cells and tumors.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma symptoms include but are not limited to the following:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest Pain
  • Abdominal pain or swelling

Types of Mesothelioma

There are many forms of mesothelioma, but all of them are caused by asbestos and almost nothing else.

Pleural Mesothelioma

  • In pleural mesothelioma cases, asbestos fibers travel to the mesothelium that lines the inner rib cage and the outside of the lungs, causing cancerous tumors.
  • Approximately 75 percent of diagnosed mesothelioma cases are pleural.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

  • With peritoneal mesothelioma, a tumor applies pressure on internal organs, causing extreme abdominal pain.
  • Approximately 15 to 20 percent of known mesothelioma cases are attributed to this form of the disease.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

  • Pericardial mesothelioma occurs when asbestos fibers embed themselves in the mesothelial tissue that surrounds the heart. As these tumors grow, they restrict the heart’s proper functioning and result in cardiac problems, including heart failure.
  • This is a rare form of the disease, with fewer than 50 new cases diagnosed each year.

Testicular Mesothelioma

  • Testicular mesothelioma, the rarest form of mesothelioma, affects the lining of the testicles.
  • Approximately 1 percent of mesothelioma cases occur in the testicles.

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. According to the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, mesothelioma patients generally have a life expectancy of 12 to 21 months after being diagnosed, and only 9 percent of mesothelioma patients survive longer than five years.

Factors that Affect Life Mesothelioma Expectancy

There are a number of factors that may impact how long a mesothelioma patient survives after diagnosis, including the stage of the disease, its location, and the patient’s age and medical history.

Disease Stage

If mesothelioma is diagnosed during the first or second stage when spreading is minimal, treatments can be effective and improve life expectancy. However, when discovered later, treatment is more difficult and often used to relieve symptoms rather than extend life.

Mesothelioma location

Each type of mesothelioma produces a different life expectancy. For example, patients diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, the most common form, tend to have a shorter life expectancy than those diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma. Testicular mesothelioma patients tend to have the longest life expectancy, particularly when the disease is caught and treated early.


On average, older patients with mesothelioma have shorter life expectancies than those who are younger.

Medical History

A patient’s medical history and habits can also significantly impact one’s mesothelioma diagnosis. Genetics and one’s overall health also play a role in the ability to fight mesothelioma.

If you or a family member have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be eligible for compensation for your medical bills as well as other expenses. Contact our office today at 877-341-2595 or online to schedule your free consultation.

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma

Thousands of industrial and mining workers in states such as Kentucky, Ohio, or West Virginia, have been exposed to asbestos-containing substances. 


  • Kentucky doesn’t have any natural asbestos deposits but is home to several industries, including steel mills and refineries, involving asbestos-containing products. Furthermore, home construction, renovation, and demolition often expose Kentucky workers and homeowners to asbestos-containing materials.


  • Ohio is home to many industries that expose workers to asbestos, including steel plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants, shipyards, and more. As a result, Ohio workers in these industries and their families are at risk for asbestos-related diseases, which may not develop for years or decades after exposure.
  • Ohio is one of the most active states in changing asbestos law to deny worker rights. In 2004, Ohio enacted changes regarding who could file asbestos claims and who could be held liable for asbestos-related injuries. James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C, knows how to pursue eligible cases under Ohio’s current laws. Contact us today to discuss your mesothelioma case and determine if you’re eligible for financial compensation.

West Virginia

  • West Virginia is also home to many industries where workers are exposed to asbestos, including petrochemical plants, coal mining, power plants, railroads, steel mills, construction, and more. Additionally, family members of West Virginia workers in these industries can develop asbestos-related diseases from secondhand exposure when the worker brings asbestos fibers home.

Jim Humphreys and the team at JimLegal24 has been pursuing mesothelioma cases for decades and has the experience to help mesothelioma victims get the relief they deserve. We maintain a database of locations where workers were likely exposed to asbestos and can help find the cause of your asbestos-related disease. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

Working with a Mesothelioma Lawyer

At Jim Humphreys and the team at JimLegal24, our top priority is fighting to see you are compensated adequately for your injuries that occurred as a result of asbestos injury. To determine if you have a mesothelioma suit, we discuss your work history (or your family member’s work history if you are pursuing a case on their behalf) as well as your medical history and potential sources of asbestos exposure.

With every mesothelioma case, our experienced and dedicated attorneys:

  • Evaluate the circumstances surrounding your medical condition to determine whether it can be linked to direct or indirect asbestos exposure,
  • Work with expert medical professionals to support and prove your case,
  • Develop a case strategy for your mesothelioma claim to help you receive a favorable settlement or verdict as quickly as possible,
  • Answer any questions you may have concerning mesothelioma or asbestos-related injuries, and
  • Aggressively advocate for your rights throughout your mesothelioma case.

If you or a loved one have been exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s essential to seek the assistance of a skilled mesothelioma lawyer when filing a claim. Mesothelioma litigation is complex and requires a law firm that is experienced. At Jim Humphreys and the team at JimLegal24, we have been handling mesothelioma lawsuits for decades and can get you the help you and your family deserve.

How We Can Help You

For decades, Jim Humphreys and the team at JimLegal24 has focused on mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cases. Our attorney has helped numerous individuals and families obtain the relief they deserve to cover expenses and acknowledge their pain and suffering.

Over our many years of practice, we have developed and continue to maintain an informational database detailing the employers and manufacturers that put their employees at risk for asbestos exposure. JimLegal24. has represented more than 15,000 asbestos clients. In fact, many personal injury lawyers refer their clients to us, knowing that our team has the knowledge and resources they do not have but that their clients need.

We understand our clients’ needs and that this process is difficult. We are here to assist you every step of the way until your claim has been heard and settled. No matter how long ago you or your loved one was exposed, you have a right to have your mesothelioma case reviewed. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Do not face Mesothelioma alone. Fill out the form or call us at 304-303-5510 to get in touch today.