Are You A Survivor Of Sexual Abuse By A Boy Scout Scoutmaster?
Over the past few years, hundreds of allegations have come to light against leaders at the Boy Scouts of America. Recently released documents have shown that the Boy Scouts of America have taken steps in the past to cover up scoutmaster’s sex abuses. At James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C. we know the toll sexual abuse can take on you and will work to obtain compensation for your trauma. Your case remains confidential unless and until you decide to pursue your case.
Signs Of Current Sexual Abuse
While sexual abuse of a child is something no parent wants to imagine, it’s important to be aware of the signs of sexual abuse and how to recognize them. Common symptoms of abuse include:
- Sleep problems or nightmares
- Sudden loss of appetite or refusal to eat
- Distracted behavior
- Sudden mood swings
- New or unusual fear of people or places
- Drawing or writing about sex at an early age
- Sudden and unexplained appearance of toys or money
- Negative self-image or low self-confidence
- Adult-like sexual knowledge or behaviors
Signs Of Past Sexual Abuse
Many survivors carry the weight of their trauma with them for years after it occurs. Common symptoms of those who suffered from abuse include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anti-social behavior
- Difficulty establishing relationships
- Guilt
- Low self-esteem
We Will Fight For Your Financial Compensation
If you or a loved one suffered abuse as a child or adult you may be entitled to financial compensation. While many states have statutes of limitations on when a claim can be filed, every situation is different. Contact us today to learn if you’re eligible for financial compensation. Financial compensation can be obtained for the following items:
- Pain
- Suffering
- Therapy
- Rehabilitation
- Disability and lost earnings
- Lost time for family
- Medical treatment
Why James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C.?
James F. Humphreys has more than four decades of experience fighting for those who have been wronged by the conduct of others. At James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C. we know the emotional toll sexual abuse can take on someone. We work to ensure those who were subjected to pain and suffering are compensated for their injuries.
Contact us today for a free consultation and to learn how we can help you file a sexual abuse claim against the Boy Scouts of America.
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