Women choose breast implants for a wide range of reasons, including cosmetic breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. However after breast implant surgery, some women develop a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. At the law firm of James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C., we think that reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries should not increase your risk of developing cancer and are ready to fight against medical device companies who fail to properly convey risk.
Allergan BIOCELL Implants
Textured and smooth breast implants have existed for decades, providing an option for women who need breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or who wish to enhance their natural breasts. The goal for manufacturers of breast implants is to create a product that looks, feels and acts naturally. The Allergan BIOCELL implant was one such product, but consumers began to file claims of contracting breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). BIA-ALCL is more likely to occur with textured implants than with smooth breast implants, and one study showed that the likelihood of developing BIA-ALCL from a BIOCELL implant is 6 times that of other textured implants. In July 2019, the FDA asked Allergan to recall all of its BIOCELL implants, and studies of links between textured breast implants and BIA-ALCL are ongoing.
If you or a loved one has developed ALCL after a breast reconstructive or cosmetic surgery, the law firm of James F. Humphreys & Associates, L.C. is ready to fight for you. Contact us today for a free consultation.
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Email: jhumphreys@jfhumphreys.com